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Collection: Hedging.

NOTE: BARE ROOT plants available again at end of October 

On this page you can buy a wide range of hedging plants incl green & copper beech, box, horn beam, privet, dogwood laurel, griselina, privet etc.These are good value,cheap hardy hedging plants.We have plants for all soil types and all sites.We have plants for wet soil,windy sites,shallow soil,exposed sites etc.Contact us with any further queries you may have.We offer prompt nationwide delivery.

Bare root hedging explained. 'bare root': means with minimum soil on roots.There are no pots.It is a very Eco - friendly way to garden.These plants are ONLY sold during the 'dormant season'- generally November to April. Planting bare root is cheaper, easier and faster than planting container-grown plants.  As a general rule use 3 plants per metre for a single row. We send our plants via  courier or with our own vans. They will reach you in excellent condition and fresh from the field. You will receive plants that are strong and healthy - just asleep / dormant They will be packed in tight bundles, bagged and labelled.Even though the plants are strong and well rooted we can pack more than 100 in a bag. Scroll down for bargain cheap value plants.

15 products
  • Whitethorn.(price is for 100 plants)
  • Blackthorn (price is for 10 plants)
  • Laurel
  • Rose (Price is for 10 plants)
  • Hazel (price is for 10 plants)
  • Gold Privet
  • Beech (minimum order 10 plants)
  • Bird Cherry (price is for 10 plants)
  • Griselina
  • Hornbeam (price is for 10 plants)
  • Green Privet
  • Box, Dwarf
  • Spindle (Price is for 10 plants)
  • Golden Willow (price is for 10 plants)
  • Field Maple (Price is for 10 plants)
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